Celebrating Concrete Excellence Through Craft Workers
As ACI says on our website, we are a technical organization. So, unsurprisingly, we usually dwell—and, consequently, excel—on technical matters,...
In 2025, the U.S. construction industry is estimated to need nearly 454,000 new workers on top of normal hiring to meet industry demand. This projection assumes that construction spending growth slows significantly next year, which we know is unlikely. C & T Contracting Services has been granted the distinction of being a certified Florida apprenticeship program holder by the Florida Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Labor. Apprenticeships attract current and new employees who are interested in learning a craft, while earning a good wage all the while understanding that they are training for higher level positions. This certification allows C & T Contracting Services to train employees in the concentration of concrete masonry. The C & T Contracting Services concrete mason apprenticeship provides hands-on field training in brick and blocklaying, mixing and handling materials, reading blueprints, safety training, basic structural demand and estimating on job sites.
Classroom work helps crystallize fundamentals, and teaches interpersonal skills to help the apprentice in their future role. This combination of training prepares a new level of skilled supervisor, who in turn can help correctly train other employees. Several Florida counties and municipalities are now requiring the guarantee of apprentices on job sites in order for contractors to be awarded government contracts. Apprenticeships benefit the company, the employee, as well as our community. The goal of the state of Florida is to make the state #1 in the nation for workforce education, the goal of C & T Contracting Services is to help employees feel empowered to perform at their personal highest level.
As ACI says on our website, we are a technical organization. So, unsurprisingly, we usually dwell—and, consequently, excel—on technical matters,...
At C&T Contracting Services our services include turn-key general contracting services. We also partner with other construction companies to perform work as a subcontractor. Much of our work involves structural and flatwork concrete, including decorative applications. Our specialty craft workers routinely install mechanical process components and equipment with precision and quality.
C&T Contracting
11023 Countryway Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33626
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